Abubakar Braimah


Creative and Strategic Media Professional with 10Years of Experience in Customer Service
Creative and Strategic Media Professional with 10Years of Experience in Customer Service
  • Abu-Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  • April 28, 2023

As a customer service professional with a background in media, I have developed a unique skill set that allows me to excel in providing exceptional service across various digital platforms. With 10years of experience, I am adept at handling complex customer inquiries, resolving issues, and engaging with customers through social media, email, and other channels.

My understanding of media and PR allows me to craft messages that resonate with customers and uphold brand reputation. I am skilled in using social media monitoring tools to track customer sentiment and address potential issues before they escalate. Additionally, I am proficient in using data and analytics to improve customer experience and identify areas for improvement.

Above all, my passion for customer service drives me to go above and beyond to exceed expectations and ensure customer satisfaction. I am a proactive problem solver who is dedicated to creating positive customer interactions and building long-lasting relationships.

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